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Digital Wellness
Digital Engagement and Media Literacy
Digital Opportunities
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ySKILLS is a four-year research project that aims to improve wellbeing and resilience by enhancing digital skills. To get closer to that goal, the project first developed a digital skills testing tool. The objective of the project was the development of a granular measurement tool for digital skills and knowledge that can be used for large-scale population research. The youth Digital Skills Indicator (yDSI) was developed through consultation with experts, cognitive interviews, pilot surveys and performance tests with young people across Europe. Combined with an extensive literature review, the tool measures four dimensions of digital skills: technical and operational skills, information navigation and processing skills, communication and interaction skills, and content creation and production skills. All these skills have functional and critical aspects.

While the project officially concluded in October 2023, the consortium members are continuing to work on publications and policy recommendations. They hope to build on their findings of the past years and to fine-tune the tool further to enable widespread adoption in interventional programmes.

ySKILLS has demonstrated a commitment to collaborative efforts throughout its four-year initiative. Notably, the organisation partnered with Mediawijs and European Schoolnet to convene a high-level event, showcasing their dedication to engaging with prominent stakeholders in the field. Additionally, ySKILLS played an active role in contributing to the CORE knowledge platform, underscoring their collaborative approach in sharing insights and knowledge with a wider community. An essential aspect of their collaboration strategy involves educators: teachers are encouraged to administer the ySKILLS test in their classrooms, fostering partnerships with educational institutions and positioning teachers as ambassadors of the initiative's mission. Through these various collaborative efforts and partnerships, ySKILLS has demonstrated its dedication to fostering a network of stakeholders united in the pursuit of advancing skills measurement and youth development.

Presentation of tangible policy recommendations at the dissemination conference, contributing to informed decision-making in the domain of skills assessment. 

Closing event involving the children who participated in the longitudinal study, commemorating the project's conclusion and facilitating meaningful engagement with the young participants.

14 publications in journals or books. Notably, the publication of the "Youth Digital Skills Indicator (YDSI)" report which garnered substantial attention and downloads.

Contribution to the CORE knowledge platform. While the CORE platform ceased operations in 2022, the initiative's synthesis document remains a valuable resource encompassing comprehensive project outcomes and findings. 

The Initiators
Consortium of 16 partners, coordinated by KU Leuven
Reach out

Willem Joris, Project Manager: