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Público na Escola

PÚBLICO na Escola is a media literacy project in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo. It provides a platform (called TRUE) to which schools can reach out if they want to start a newspaper. The organisation values journalism in school newspapers in pursuit of teaching students aged 6 to 18 about journalism and media literacy. Their other mission is to incorporate journalism in classrooms while fostering an understanding of the news and media in an increasingly complex media landscape.


ySKILLS is a four-year research project that aims to improve wellbeing and resilience by enhancing digital skills. To get closer to that goal, the project first developed a digital skills testing tool. The objective of the project was the development of a granular measurement tool for digital skills and knowledge that can be used for large-scale population research. The youth Digital Skills Indicator (yDSI) was developed through consultation with experts, cognitive interviews, pilot surveys and performance tests with young people across Europe.