Elternguide.online is a website that supports parents in their media education efforts and helps them guide their children’s use of apps, games, websites and social networks. Parents can find over 500 articles, regular virtual parents' evenings, audios, videos information in easy-to-read language and much more. There are also regular virtual parents’ meetings that allow parents to ask questions, share experiences and advice and discuss online safety, media literacy and anything related to the online world. The resources which are also available in English cover a wide range of issues, ready with examples and explanations. Elternguide.online is free of charge.
What sets Elternguide.online apart is the highly personalised approach, taking the unique situation of each family into account. The platform offers a Guided Tour that guides parents through a series of questions to quickly find the information most relevant to their family.
More than 500 articles published so far including 155+ tool descriptions on apps, services and platforms.
Regular virtual parents’ evenings since 2020.
Since 2023, the website is available in English and in easy-to-read language, enhancing accessibility and inclusivity.
Lidia de Reese, Senior Manager Media Literacy: dereese@fsm.de